Naomi painting in Norfolk


One of the greatest influences on my life and work was Francis Haskell, my art history professor at Oxford University. He was a truly extraordinary man, renowned worldwide as being among the greatest minds in his field in the second half of the twentieth century. As we were studying French 19th century art, he insisted that the course be conducted in French - so I had to go on an intensive month language course at the University of Besancon prior to arriving at university.

Francis was a remarkably generous teacher who really brought the subject alive - and also lit up every room he entered. He kindly sat for me and the painting I produced was selected for the BP Portrait Award in 1998.

Naomi painting in Norfolk

Portrait of Francis Haskell oil on canvas 48'“x 36”

I have drawn and painted obsessively since childhood. My father, a civil engineer and brilliant draughtsman in his own right, tried to dissuade me from becoming an artist because he knew how hard it would be, but that just drove me on.

And, of course, you must never stop learning. I have studied at Harrogate Art College and did my Fine Art degree at Newcastle Upon Tyne University before going up to Oxford. While in London I regularly attended Heatherley’s School of Art for life classses and joined the Chelsea Arts Club.

Life drawing in charcoal on Roma paper 30”x 26”

Last autumn, I completed Part I of a gruelling classical realism course at the Florence Academy of Art and will be attending Part II later this year.

I have taught life drawing, have taken many portrait commissions and have exhibited in galleries - both in solo shows and with other artists in London and other towns. My paintings have been shown at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and Royal Academy Summer Show four times and the New English Art Club and Discerning Eye exhibitions.

Paoli I, oil on board, 6'“x 8”

Paoli II, oil on board, 6'“x 8”


My husband is the writer Rory Clements. He wrote the John Shakespeare series of Elizabethan thrillers and is now producing the Tom Wilde series set in 1930s Cambridge.

His latest book is 'The English Führer', pictured right. To learn more about him visit his website: